This is a song written in honor of a 17 year old girl who committed suicide in 1986. She won the Miss Hungary competition in 1985, which was a big thing, because it wasn't organised for 50 years. She was crushed by the media and everything that goes with modelling. She was second in the Miss Europa competition behind the swedish lady. Her name was Molnár Csilla - I think her name could be transleted as Stella Miller if we would translate names. So Molnár Csilla she stays. (In hungarian, the surename is written first and the given name second, Molnár-Miller, Csilla-Stella)
I did, as usual a quick translation of the lyrics. I'm focusing on the meaning.
Dream, princess
You had lost so much
until that day came and you
were able to win
You started true-hearted
and pure
but the way was long and
maybe there was too much ill-will (literally it’s mud)
You were a star (in the sky)
and we did not take care of you
A breath of happiness, that
was all,
that was life!
You played and you were
played with
Where did the words,
flowing like beads on a necklace, the false compliments go?
See, you even lost
and you even forgot that
you loved and were loved
You look at us from a
photo, a secret is hiding in your eyes
a secret that will never
be divined or worked out
Dream, princess, as peacefully
as in the fairytale
dream, princess, it was a dream that you livedYou are a dream for us as well.
Dream... dream...
Dream, princess, as peacefully
as in the fairytale
dream, princess, it was a dream that you lived
Dream, princess, as peacefully
as in the fairytale
dream, princess, it was a dream that you lived
Dream, princess,
dream, princessAnd the original, hungarian text for those, who are interested:
Álmodj, királylány
Annyi mindent elvesztettél már,
míg rád virradt a nap, mikor győzni tudtál.
Úgy indultál őszintén, tisztán,
de hosszú volt az út, s talán túl sok a sár.
Csillag voltál, azt mondják, s nem vigyáztunk rád.
Egy lélegzetnyi boldogság, ennyi volt tán,
ez volt az élet!
Játszottál és játszottak veled.
Sok gyöngyként pergő szó, hamis bók hová lett?!
Lásd, önmagad is elveszítetted,
még azt is feledted, hogy szerettél, s szerettek!
Ránk nézel egy fényképről, a szemed titkot rejt;
egy titkot, melyet többé már nem sejthet meg,
nem fejt meg senki...
Álmodj, királylány, ahogy a mesében, oly békén!
Álmodj, királylány, az is álom volt, hogy éltél!
Nekünk is álom vagy ma már!...
Hmm...Álmodj hát...Álmodj hát...
Álmodj, királylány, ahogy a mesében, oly békén!
Álmodj, királylány, az is álom volt, hogy éltél!
Álmodj, királylány, ahogy a mesében, oly békén!
Álmodj, királylány, az is álom volt, hogy éltél!
Álmodj, királylány
Álmodj, királylány