2018. december 29., szombat

Disney Store 2018 Classic Rapunzel doll review

"Flower, gleam and glow"

Healing Incantation from Tangled

As you already know I bought myself a bunch of classic dolls for Christmas. I asked my sister if she would like to have one so her Merida doll is not so lonely and she asked for a Rapunzel. I already have a Rapunzel from 2015 so I'll also compare the two dolls, but let's start with a quick review of this years Rapunzel, the 2018 Rapunzel doll.

Here she is, ready to deboxed but before that, let's take a look at her box. The 2018 dollboxes have a lot of artwork on them, even more than the year before.
The right side of the box shows Rapunzel playing the guitar. We can also see Rapunzels profile.
The backside of the box has more artwork, Rapunzel svinging on her hair and also Pascal. That picture is colored but there is also a picture with Rapunzel and her frying pan but it's just the outlies, it's not colored. It also has the usual details like warnings the price of the doll and Rapunzels name.
The left side has more Rapunzel art and also part of Rpunzels signature (I think it's that, but I'm not sure) This side has, like the back of the box both colored and just outline pictures.
My sister took her out really quickly so there are no deboxing pictures.
Lets have a look at her lovely face.
She has pink lips, subtle makeup, big green eyes with just a hint of brown in the middle, lightbrown eyebrows and a closed mouth smile. She has long, silky blond hair and this year she same with a flower in her hair. 
It's similar to the one the Mulan dolls in the pink dress have. It is sewn into her hair and there is a section of her hair tied back with an elastic.
Now her dress. This years 'theme' seems to be 'overskirt with glittery patterns'. (Also rings for the owner to wear.) Reminds me of the year when most girls got a layer of tull over their skirts. It was in 2011. (looked it up a moment ago) There are some outfits that look nice with it and some that doesn't. Rapunzel is okay with it, not bad but it could be better.
The top part is quite nice but it looks simpler than my other Rapunzel dolls dress. The 2015 Rapunzel had a really movie accurate dress I think only the very first one has an even better one. This new top part seems to be made of fewer pieces and the sheer part of the sleeve is missing. Although it is less movie accurate it is easier for kids to dress her if it's only a short sleeved dress.
Her skirt is sewn to the top and is made of two layers but not like in the movie with a different section at the front, but a simple purple skirt and a mostly sheer skirt with lots of glittery patterns over it.
The body is the same as last year, she has joints at her neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists and hips.
She also has klick knees I dislike and flat feet like last year.
She also had lots of tissue paper under her skirt. She came barefoot. (the other Rapunzel came barfoot too, but I tried on these black sandals on her feet and left them on her since then - they are from a Ghostilla doll and are too big for her.)
Let's compare her to my other Rapunzel. Here is an old picture of Hannah my 2015 Rapunzel doll.
There is a difference in the dress and the box.
But their faces are very similar in my opinion.
2018 Rapunzel on the left, 2015 Rapunzel on the right
She comes, like most of this years princess dolls a plastic ring. My sister doesn't want it so we decided to decorate my Rapulzels braid with it.
I think it's the best place for it. But I wonder what I'll do with the other four rings the girls brought with them.
My sister was really happy with her so I'm happy, too. I think she's a nice doll but didn't really change as far as the face is concerned.
2015 Rapunzel on the left, 2018 Rapunzel on the right
Now I have ton's of reviews in store for you I just have to type them. :)

2018. december 7., péntek

Sneak peek at new goodies

I just got what I oreded for Christmas and here is a sneak peak for you:
Rapunzel is for my sister and  her name is goin to be Horatia, after a character in a book she is going to be made to look like. I got another Merida because the other one, Mireben, moved out with my sister - I bought that one as a hristmas present for her as well. :)
New Merida going to be called Samantha, Sam for short for now. I'll explain sometime where I got that name for her :)
This lady will have the name Laura. No particular reason, I just liked that name for her. She needs a new dress badly.
There are more girls but I don't want to show everything :) But I'll give a hint: now my princess collection will be complete.

2018. november 20., kedd

Elena photoshoot

"Und der Wind singt lalala"

from an opening song of Detective Conan aka Case Closed, because this is my mini Elena dolls favouirte song and it's cheerful

Another quick post, I found an old Barbie outfit from my childhood and immediately thought that this dress is made for Elena, I mean my Elena doll, Valancy. Here are some photos for you to enjoy with Elena wearing that colorful dress. I dont have the shoues that went with these originally (they were spimple purple high heels) but Elenas shoes are perfect, I think.

It actually looks a tiny bit a dress she wears in the show. Or maybe it's just me thinking that colorful dresses suit her. Not everybody can pull that off. :)
Full body.

With belt.

With the top part.
Top part tied.
Top part tucked in.
Valancy Elena.

Bonus picture with her in that famous blue dress. :)

2018. október 31., szerda

Short music post

First of all I'm sorrry I didn't post anything lattely. School takes up more time than I thoguht. :(

Meanwhile here is a quick music post, I'll add lyrics translation later. The daughter tells her father that she had a dream and she saw him dead and asks him to seek peace. He replies it is too late now to want peace. After that his "enemy"  appears and offers him the throne but he refuses, saying again it's to late to want peace now. They are fighting who should inherit the throne the oldest son of the former ruler or the oldet member of the family. It's from that part of hungarian history that these things were about to change.
And if you like rock music, you'll likely like his voice. :)

SInce the video I linked earlier is no longer available, here is another version:

Edit: Here are the lyrics, original forst then translated with some notes:

Jó atyám, álmodtam múlt éjszakán:
Fenn láttalak a négy legnagyobb vár fokán,

Az ég elborult és árván maradt sok leány.

Kard által vész mind, ki kardot ragad.
Légy bölcs vezér és űzd el az ős átkokat,
Békét keress, hisz volt már elég áldozat!

Nincs visszaút, hisz István már a harcra készül,

Idegeneket hív magyarok ellen segítségül.
Pogánynak tartanak, pedig Bizánc jelét
magamra vettem,
Csak az volt a cél, hogy szabadságunk megőrizzem.
Pogánynak tartanak, mert nem tűröm
a papok hatalmát.
Bűnt kiáltanak, hol szabadságát védi az ország.
Pogánynak tartanak, mert szembeszállok a hódítókkal
Pogány itt mindenki, ha velem van, és nem Istvánnal

Késő most már mindezt újra átgondolni,
Elkésett a békevágy.
Késő már a múltat újra értelmezni,
Kényszerpályán a világ.

Koppány vezér! Ne hidd, hogy én nem szeretlek!
Tiéd a trón, ha vállalod, mit meg kell tenned.

Kezünkben van egy nép és az ország sorsa;
Rómába vezet minden út, vagy a pusztulásba.

KOPPÁNY: Pogánynak tartanak, mert nem tűröm a papok hatalmát.
ISTVÁN: Fogadd el Rómát, és holnap már tiéd az ország.
KOPPÁNY: Pogánynak tartanak, mert szembeszállok a hódítókkal.
ISTVÁN: A békét hoztam el, mert az országnak béke kell.

Késő most már mindezt újra átgondolni,
Elkésett a békevágy.
Késő már a múltat újra értelmezni,
Kényszerpályán a világ.


My dear Father, I saw a dream last night:
I saw you up on the four biggest castles, (This was a really gruesome tradition, they cut the body of the fallen enemy in four pices and display them at some visible points of four important castles, to frighten any other possible enemies)
The sky became dark and many girls ended alone. (Husbands brothers lovers fell in the battle)

Sword kills those, who take a sword.
be a wise leader and chase away the old curses,
Seek peace, there were so many sacrifices already!

There is no way back, István is already preparing for the battle,
He seeks the help of foreigners against the Hungarians.
They call me a pagan, although I took the Byzantine Empire’s sign,
My only goal was to keep our freedom.
They call me a pagan because I don’t tolerae that priests have the power!
They cry Evil!, when the land only protects its freedom!
They call me a pagan because I fight against conquers!
Everybody is branded as a pagan if he is with me and not with István!

It’s to late to think it over,
Longing for peace is late.
It’s to late to think over the past,
What’s going to happen is bound to happen.

Chief Koppány! Don’t think that I hate you!
The throne is yours, if you accept and do what you have to do.
The fate of the people and the land lies in our hands;
Every road leads either to Romeo or to ruin.

KOPPÁNY: They call me a pagan because I don’t tolerate that priests have the power.
ISTVÁN: Accept Rome and starting tomorrow, the land is yours.
KOPPÁNY: They call me a pagan because I fight against conquers.
ISTVÁN: I’ve broght Peace, because the land needs peace.

It’s to late to think it over,
Longing for peace is late.
It’s to late to think over the past,
What’s going to happen is bound to happen.

2018. szeptember 21., péntek

Sharing the magic of music - Honour to us all

Another music post. Because I'm tired and busy. I do have a review in works I wnat to share but I don't know when I'Ll be able to finish it. So you get another song for now.
This time it's Honor to us all, the hungarian version and the hungarian translated backt to english I'm too lazy to experiment with the text so it looks proper, if you klick on the picture, it'll be nice and organised, under the picture I added them all as text.

This is what you give me to work with           Nem lesz veled könnyű a dolgom,     I won’t have an easy job with you
Well, honey, I've seen worse              azt bizony látom már.                         I can already see that
We're going to turn this sow's ear       Usgyi a kádba, de tüstént,                   Into the bathtube at once
Into a silk purse                                              a kefe már vár.                                               the brush is already waiting for you
We'll have you washed and dried       Megmossuk egy-kettő                         We’ll wash her quickly
Primped and polished                         szutykos leánykából                           That’s how a dirty little girl
Till you glow with pride                     így lesz nő.                                         becomes a woman
Trust me recipe for instant bride         Holnap kezdődhet a menyegző,                     The wedding may stat tomorrow
You'll bring honor to us all                 hozzon örömöt e nap.                         let this day bring joy

Wait and see, When we're through     Hernyóból pillangó,                            from caterpillar to butterfly
Boys will gladly go to war for you     így hát megéri a sok hűhó                   So the fuss is worth it
With good fortune                              nem kell csoda,                                              No miracle needed
And a great hairdo                              ha a kontyod jó                                              if you have a great updo
You'll bring honor to us all                 Hozzon örömöt e nap.                        let this day bring joy
A girl can bring her family                 A női nemnek ékessége                      A gem between females
Great honor in one way                                  úgy lehet a lány,                                 a girl can besome
By striking a good match                    ha erényesen él                                              If she leads a virtuous life
And this could be the day                   a férje oldalán.                                               on her husbands side
Men want girls with good taste                       Nagy vizsga vár most rád                   A big exam is waiting for you now
Calm    Obedient                                 gyors és ügyes légy,                            Be quick and skillful
Who work fast-paced                         de tartsd a szád!                                  but be silent
With good breeding                            Karcsú leszel,                                     Your waist will be thin
And a tiny waist                                 mint a hajló nád,                                 like reed blown by the wind
You'll bring honor to us all                 hozzon örömöt e nap.                         let this day bring joy

We all must serve our Emperor                      Mi mind a császárt szolgáljuk,                        We all serve the Emperor
Who guards us from the Huns                        ki díszes trónján ül                             who sits on his decorated throne
A man by bearing arms                                  A férfi páncélt ölt,                              The man takes the armor
A girl by bearing sons                         a nő fiúkat szül.                                             The woman bears sons
When we're through, You can't fail    Bátorság, nem lesz baj,                                   Be courageous, there won’t be trouble
Like a lotus blossom                           hidd el, nem hagyjuk,                         believe that we won’t let
Soft and pale                                      hogy szégyent vallj.                            you fail
How could any fellow say "no sale"   Érted bolondul a férfi raj.                   The swarm of men will be crazy for you
You'll bring honor to us all                 Hozzon örömöt e nap.                        let this day bring joy
There, you're ready                            -Így ni, készen vagyunk.                    There, we're ready
Not yet. An apple for serenity            -Pillanat, az alma jó lámpaláz ellen,    A moment, apple against stagefright
A pendant for balance                        a medál pedig megnyugtat.                 and the medal calms you
Beads of jade for beauty                    Gyöngysor kell, hogy szép légy,         Beads are needed so that you’re beautiful
You must proudly show it                  tedd fel s hordd is büszkén!               take them and wear them proudly
Now add a cricket just for luck                      És kell egy tücsök pech ellen,             And a cricket is needed against bad luck
And even you can't blow it                 no így már minden rendben.               So, now is everything all right,

Ancestors, hear my plea                     Jó sorsom, megkérlek,                        My good Fate, I beg you
Help me not to make a fool of me      légy ma kegyes hozzám szánjál meg  Be mercyfull to me have pity on me
And to not uproot my family tree       Féltő szüleim szívének                                   To the hearts of my parent who are afraid
Keep my father standing tall               hozzon megnyugvást e nap!               this day should bring relief
Scarier than the undertaker                 Az a lány ki a tűztől sem fél               The girl who’s not afraid of fire
We are meeting our matchmaker        reszket a házasságszerzőnél.               is trembling of fear at the Matchmaker's
Destiny, guard our girls                         Minden lány, termő ág                                   All girls are branches bearing fruit
And our future                                               Szépek, erényesek,                             They are beautiful and virtuous
As it fast unfurls                                 nem léhák                                           and not frivolous
Please look kindly on                         mit hoz jövőjük,                                 What their future brings
These cultured pearls                          még nem tudják                                  They don’t know yet
Each a perfect porcelain doll              Lelkük tiszta fehér lap.                                   Their souls white unwritten pages
Please bring honor to us                     Hozzon örömet...                                Bring joy
(repeated three times)                         (ismétlés 3x)                                       (repeated three times)
Please bring honor to us all                 Hozzon örömet e nap!                        Let this day bring joy