"You are sunlight and I moon"
from Miss Saigon by Boublin and Schönberg
Manta from One with the wind and sky nominated me for my very first award! Thak you so much! :)I'm supposed to thank the person that nominated me, answer their questions, nominate 11 other people, and ask 11 questions. That's going to be hard but I'll try.
What's your personality type? (You can check https://www.16personalities.com/ if you want to try for yourself)
Defender (ISFJ-t) I'm very introverted according to this test - it's not a surptise :D
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
At the moment, no. But we had cats for a long long time. Here are a few photos and a few names:
Maria Theresa (a year we named all five kitties after kings and queens and she was the one we kept, a red and white lady) She was more like a puppy in a cats body, playful and firendly all the time. She can be seen in the first photo. Vilma, her daughter, was a striped gray cat, with a strong and envious personality. And she behaved as if she was the most important person in the houshold, the lady of the house, so to say. Vilma can be seen on the second picture, with another kitten whom we called Little Witch.
I've never rode one with a name, but all the ones mentioned in this post sound interesting
Who are three of your favorite movie characters?
That's a hard one. Let's see, one would be Draco the dragon from the movie Dragonheart. Another would be the nameless heroine (Mrs. de Winter) of Hitchcocks film Rebecca. And the third one would be Elsa the lioness from the movie version of 'Born Free'
If cartoon characters are meant, then Howl and Sophie from Howls moving castle, Belle, Mulan, Elsa and Anna and Megara from Disney. That should be more than enough. :)
You have the ability to give your most-hated (or love to hate) fictional character whatever sentence you choose. Set them free, execute them, whatever. What happens to him/her?
I'm not sure who it would be but I definitely would turn him or her good. Maybe Hans from Frozen? I really like his design.
Favorite band(s)?
Abba maybe? But I'm a musical-lover so my favourites are mostly form musicals.
Something that you personally hate but most people seem to like?
Parties and socialise, loud music and going shopping, false nails.
Do you write fanfiction? If so, in what fandom(s)?
I make up stories for my own characters that's the closest I came to Fanfiction so far.
Your house is on fire and you have time to grab three things. What are they? (Assume your friends/family/pets are already safe! :P ) My comp, my dolls and my books.
What's the last thing you bought for yourself?
Habro Little Kingdom Fashion Change Belle - to accompany my Anna :) You'll meet her soon!
What would you say to your favorite fictional character if you could meet him/her?
"Uhmmm... Hi, nice to meet you" I'm not the social type, I would be scared stiff if he or she stood right before me... I can't even choose just one, there is Elsa from Frozen, I would encourage her to love herself and be happy as she is, blessed with special powers. The second would be Anne Shirley from the books by Lucy Maud Montgomery, we could talk about everything and nothing. Also some characters from Jane Austens books, mos likely Anne from Persuasion, I would love to know more about that period. And last but not least, the Count of Poiteres, later Philip V of France, as portrayed in Maurice Druons books, The accursed kings (Les Rois Maudits, since it is french originally). He seems to be scary but interesting. Half fictional and half real.
I won't nominate anybody since I have two readers, one of them gave me the award, the other one received it along with me from the first person. :)But here are some questions, feel free to answer them in a comment. :)
What is your favourite book from your childhood?
A memory from your childhood when you had to part with something you really liked?
What kind of music do you like, can you play an instrument?
Last toy you bought?
If you could wish for anything for your birthday, what would you like to have? (realistic wish, but price doesn't matter)
Your favourite Disney voice? Is this character your favourite Disney Character?
What skill would you like to have? (It can be anything :) )
Do you have your original character(s)? Could you describe him/her/them in about two sentences?
Bonus question(the one I forgot to finish): If you could have a fictional friend from a book, whom would you choose and why?
Yay, you posted it!^_^
VálaszTörlés(I'm INTJ-T according to that test, and very, very introverted as well. I think it was 98% on the introversion thingie:P)
I'll do the questions!^_^
1) I have no idea what my FAVORITE book was, but I really liked the Little House books. (I still do, actually...:P) When I was really, really little I was obsessed with those Max & Ruby picture books:P
2) My mom gave away my favorite blue dress-up tutu when I was about 6 or 7 because I'd been naughty. I still remember exactly what it looked like:P
3) I like a LOT of different kinds of music, pretty much anything except country or rap. I play the piano:)
4) A really cute porcelain doll I found at a thrift store. She only cost $4.98, so I went ahead and got her even though I don't collect porcelain dolls.:) Her name is Meredith.
5) Realistic? A certain dress I'm saving up for right now. Kinda-sorta realistic? I want to take a road trip to a bunch of theme parks and end in Florida (Disney World). Not realistic at all? A trip to Europe to meet you and my other European online friends:)
6) I think Auli'i did an awesome job in Moana. Right now she's probably my favorite. Not my favorite Disney character (that goes to Elsa) but Moana is my second favorite princess if we include Elsa, who's technically not a princess, she's a queen:) (Although Moana objected to being called a princess too, lol XD)
7) A back handspring. Silly, but...anyways... :P
8) Yes, but I haven't written my original material yet, so the characters aren't fleshed out yet.:/ I usually write Frozen fanfiction:)
VálaszTörlésI'm 'only' 96% introverted :)
I would consider all your wishes realistic, I only consicer wishes like riding a dragon and superpowers orsomething like these as unrealistic. I hope all three wishes will come true one day :) I would be very happy to meet you in person :)
This Princess thing is a little complicated, people are always arguing about Mulan and Pocahontas. I think they are not princesses but Disney Princesses which is a bit different inmy opinion. Elsa could be a Disney Princess and a queen at a same time, I think :)
Thank you for answering them (even if there is one I didn't finish... I'll fix that right away)