2018. augusztus 20., hétfő

Sharing the magic of music - Our sun has risen

"Isten áldásával István a király"

Literally: with Gods blessing, Stephen is King
From the rockopera King Sephen bey Szörényi & Bródy

Today (20th August) we celebrate the foundation of the state, the Birthday of the land I live in and so I'm sharing another bit from the Rockopera King Stephen (The other song I shared can be found here, there is also a little about the historical background there) He's the first hungarian king and he founded the state.
Traditionally,  the 20th August is considered the day king Stephen died (but who can tell that for sure after almost 1000 years). Before his death he asked Vrigin Mary to protect the land because he was worried because his heir, the husband of one of his daughters. He had two sons himself but one died as a child and the other died as a young adult during a hunting accident, or that's what's traditionally said. It could have been murder, too.

The song I'm sharing is from the moment he becomes king. I won't do an english translation for the whole but only for the short part that is sung in Hungarian (there are some Latin parts):
It has english subs but it looks like the translation is not a very good one so I did quickly my own version. It is still worth to look at it so you get a more complex picture what it is about.

Hungarian                                                 my English translation

Felkelt a napunk                                         Our sun has risen
István a mi urunk                                        Stephen is our ruler
Árad a kegyelem                                         the light of clemency
fénye reánk                                                  is poured on us
Hálás a szívünk                                           Our heart is full of gratitude
Zengjen az örömünk                                    let our joy be heard
Szép Magyarország                                     Beautiful Hungary
Édes Hazám!                                               my beloved homeland

Now just anjoy the music. This short section is repeated three times.

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