2018. szeptember 21., péntek

Sharing the magic of music - Honour to us all

Another music post. Because I'm tired and busy. I do have a review in works I wnat to share but I don't know when I'Ll be able to finish it. So you get another song for now.
This time it's Honor to us all, the hungarian version and the hungarian translated backt to english I'm too lazy to experiment with the text so it looks proper, if you klick on the picture, it'll be nice and organised, under the picture I added them all as text.

This is what you give me to work with           Nem lesz veled könnyű a dolgom,     I won’t have an easy job with you
Well, honey, I've seen worse              azt bizony látom már.                         I can already see that
We're going to turn this sow's ear       Usgyi a kádba, de tüstént,                   Into the bathtube at once
Into a silk purse                                              a kefe már vár.                                               the brush is already waiting for you
We'll have you washed and dried       Megmossuk egy-kettő                         We’ll wash her quickly
Primped and polished                         szutykos leánykából                           That’s how a dirty little girl
Till you glow with pride                     így lesz nő.                                         becomes a woman
Trust me recipe for instant bride         Holnap kezdődhet a menyegző,                     The wedding may stat tomorrow
You'll bring honor to us all                 hozzon örömöt e nap.                         let this day bring joy

Wait and see, When we're through     Hernyóból pillangó,                            from caterpillar to butterfly
Boys will gladly go to war for you     így hát megéri a sok hűhó                   So the fuss is worth it
With good fortune                              nem kell csoda,                                              No miracle needed
And a great hairdo                              ha a kontyod jó                                              if you have a great updo
You'll bring honor to us all                 Hozzon örömöt e nap.                        let this day bring joy
A girl can bring her family                 A női nemnek ékessége                      A gem between females
Great honor in one way                                  úgy lehet a lány,                                 a girl can besome
By striking a good match                    ha erényesen él                                              If she leads a virtuous life
And this could be the day                   a férje oldalán.                                               on her husbands side
Men want girls with good taste                       Nagy vizsga vár most rád                   A big exam is waiting for you now
Calm    Obedient                                 gyors és ügyes légy,                            Be quick and skillful
Who work fast-paced                         de tartsd a szád!                                  but be silent
With good breeding                            Karcsú leszel,                                     Your waist will be thin
And a tiny waist                                 mint a hajló nád,                                 like reed blown by the wind
You'll bring honor to us all                 hozzon örömöt e nap.                         let this day bring joy

We all must serve our Emperor                      Mi mind a császárt szolgáljuk,                        We all serve the Emperor
Who guards us from the Huns                        ki díszes trónján ül                             who sits on his decorated throne
A man by bearing arms                                  A férfi páncélt ölt,                              The man takes the armor
A girl by bearing sons                         a nő fiúkat szül.                                             The woman bears sons
When we're through, You can't fail    Bátorság, nem lesz baj,                                   Be courageous, there won’t be trouble
Like a lotus blossom                           hidd el, nem hagyjuk,                         believe that we won’t let
Soft and pale                                      hogy szégyent vallj.                            you fail
How could any fellow say "no sale"   Érted bolondul a férfi raj.                   The swarm of men will be crazy for you
You'll bring honor to us all                 Hozzon örömöt e nap.                        let this day bring joy
There, you're ready                            -Így ni, készen vagyunk.                    There, we're ready
Not yet. An apple for serenity            -Pillanat, az alma jó lámpaláz ellen,    A moment, apple against stagefright
A pendant for balance                        a medál pedig megnyugtat.                 and the medal calms you
Beads of jade for beauty                    Gyöngysor kell, hogy szép légy,         Beads are needed so that you’re beautiful
You must proudly show it                  tedd fel s hordd is büszkén!               take them and wear them proudly
Now add a cricket just for luck                      És kell egy tücsök pech ellen,             And a cricket is needed against bad luck
And even you can't blow it                 no így már minden rendben.               So, now is everything all right,

Ancestors, hear my plea                     Jó sorsom, megkérlek,                        My good Fate, I beg you
Help me not to make a fool of me      légy ma kegyes hozzám szánjál meg  Be mercyfull to me have pity on me
And to not uproot my family tree       Féltő szüleim szívének                                   To the hearts of my parent who are afraid
Keep my father standing tall               hozzon megnyugvást e nap!               this day should bring relief
Scarier than the undertaker                 Az a lány ki a tűztől sem fél               The girl who’s not afraid of fire
We are meeting our matchmaker        reszket a házasságszerzőnél.               is trembling of fear at the Matchmaker's
Destiny, guard our girls                         Minden lány, termő ág                                   All girls are branches bearing fruit
And our future                                               Szépek, erényesek,                             They are beautiful and virtuous
As it fast unfurls                                 nem léhák                                           and not frivolous
Please look kindly on                         mit hoz jövőjük,                                 What their future brings
These cultured pearls                          még nem tudják                                  They don’t know yet
Each a perfect porcelain doll              Lelkük tiszta fehér lap.                                   Their souls white unwritten pages
Please bring honor to us                     Hozzon örömet...                                Bring joy
(repeated three times)                         (ismétlés 3x)                                       (repeated three times)
Please bring honor to us all                 Hozzon örömet e nap!                        Let this day bring joy

2018. szeptember 5., szerda

It"s party time - part 7

"Szívből üdvözlök itt minden testvért"

from Dance of the Vampires by Jim Steinman & Michael Kunze, Krolock welcomes his guests to his ball

So we thought Dolly would love to hear what was the party like. But who was to tell and what to tell? Everybody had something personal to share. And we agreed she'd be happiest if everybody told her own story about the ball. But so many guest would be a bit to much, especially when everybody is excited to tell about what happened and and talks at the same time.  So we decided that we all post about it and she can read everything. The boys weren't interested in writing so it's just the ladies, but each and every girl will write a post about the ball. As for the order, we threw some pieces of paper with numbers on them in a bag and everybody drew one. We thought we may need them again so we kept them. And all of us listed the party, evening activity that she thinks perfect. We are gathering ideas. ;)
 This little intro will be posted before everybodys post about the ball, so feel free to skip it if you've already read it and know what's going on. We wrote this one together, all of us who are going to tell about the dance.

7. Hannah Rapunzel - a beach party, watching the sunset would be part of it
The dancefloor was blue, like the sky. Or an exotic see. Just like his eyes. Dancing is like floating above the floor, like fairies.
It was like a dream.
I can't really describe it, yet I see it in my head as if it was reality at this very moment.
We were asked to take part in a dance teaching session before the party. I could already see myself twirling around in the room.
And soonn after the real dance was to start. I heard that Victoria had been talked over to wear that maglificent blue dress, because her own with the cape makes dancing impossible. It’s perfect for her, she... looks like a water fairy!
There she comes! She and Vester art he perfect couple, not one stepp missed and she is even able to maintain a conversation and…
'Hannah aren't you dancing?'
Seems like I didn't notice how quickly time went by while I sat there daydreaming.
It was my turn. I imagined I was a cherryblossom slowly falling from the tree, floating and twirling beautifully.
’I’m sorry. Is something the matter?’
’My arm hurts a bit It’s okay. I don’t want to ruin it when everybody is having fun’
I shook my head.
’It’s okay. Go to Sorghoktani over there and ask for help. She’s a doctor, she can do it.’
’And your dance? You’ve been waiting for it the longest time!’

’Health goes first and enjoy watching the others dancing more then doing it myself. Don’t they look like butterflyes?’
I sat down after Charles left and let my imagination go wild. I saw my friends as angels, butterflies, snowflakes, light dancingon water and other romantiic things like theese.
I was sad though that our little redhead butterfly couldn’t come.
I’m sorry this is quite short and not that interesting but alas, I’m better with paint and brush than with words.