2018. október 31., szerda

Short music post

First of all I'm sorrry I didn't post anything lattely. School takes up more time than I thoguht. :(

Meanwhile here is a quick music post, I'll add lyrics translation later. The daughter tells her father that she had a dream and she saw him dead and asks him to seek peace. He replies it is too late now to want peace. After that his "enemy"  appears and offers him the throne but he refuses, saying again it's to late to want peace now. They are fighting who should inherit the throne the oldest son of the former ruler or the oldet member of the family. It's from that part of hungarian history that these things were about to change.
And if you like rock music, you'll likely like his voice. :)

SInce the video I linked earlier is no longer available, here is another version:

Edit: Here are the lyrics, original forst then translated with some notes:

Jó atyám, álmodtam múlt éjszakán:
Fenn láttalak a négy legnagyobb vár fokán,

Az ég elborult és árván maradt sok leány.

Kard által vész mind, ki kardot ragad.
Légy bölcs vezér és űzd el az ős átkokat,
Békét keress, hisz volt már elég áldozat!

Nincs visszaút, hisz István már a harcra készül,

Idegeneket hív magyarok ellen segítségül.
Pogánynak tartanak, pedig Bizánc jelét
magamra vettem,
Csak az volt a cél, hogy szabadságunk megőrizzem.
Pogánynak tartanak, mert nem tűröm
a papok hatalmát.
Bűnt kiáltanak, hol szabadságát védi az ország.
Pogánynak tartanak, mert szembeszállok a hódítókkal
Pogány itt mindenki, ha velem van, és nem Istvánnal

Késő most már mindezt újra átgondolni,
Elkésett a békevágy.
Késő már a múltat újra értelmezni,
Kényszerpályán a világ.

Koppány vezér! Ne hidd, hogy én nem szeretlek!
Tiéd a trón, ha vállalod, mit meg kell tenned.

Kezünkben van egy nép és az ország sorsa;
Rómába vezet minden út, vagy a pusztulásba.

KOPPÁNY: Pogánynak tartanak, mert nem tűröm a papok hatalmát.
ISTVÁN: Fogadd el Rómát, és holnap már tiéd az ország.
KOPPÁNY: Pogánynak tartanak, mert szembeszállok a hódítókkal.
ISTVÁN: A békét hoztam el, mert az országnak béke kell.

Késő most már mindezt újra átgondolni,
Elkésett a békevágy.
Késő már a múltat újra értelmezni,
Kényszerpályán a világ.


My dear Father, I saw a dream last night:
I saw you up on the four biggest castles, (This was a really gruesome tradition, they cut the body of the fallen enemy in four pices and display them at some visible points of four important castles, to frighten any other possible enemies)
The sky became dark and many girls ended alone. (Husbands brothers lovers fell in the battle)

Sword kills those, who take a sword.
be a wise leader and chase away the old curses,
Seek peace, there were so many sacrifices already!

There is no way back, István is already preparing for the battle,
He seeks the help of foreigners against the Hungarians.
They call me a pagan, although I took the Byzantine Empire’s sign,
My only goal was to keep our freedom.
They call me a pagan because I don’t tolerae that priests have the power!
They cry Evil!, when the land only protects its freedom!
They call me a pagan because I fight against conquers!
Everybody is branded as a pagan if he is with me and not with István!

It’s to late to think it over,
Longing for peace is late.
It’s to late to think over the past,
What’s going to happen is bound to happen.

Chief Koppány! Don’t think that I hate you!
The throne is yours, if you accept and do what you have to do.
The fate of the people and the land lies in our hands;
Every road leads either to Romeo or to ruin.

KOPPÁNY: They call me a pagan because I don’t tolerate that priests have the power.
ISTVÁN: Accept Rome and starting tomorrow, the land is yours.
KOPPÁNY: They call me a pagan because I fight against conquers.
ISTVÁN: I’ve broght Peace, because the land needs peace.

It’s to late to think it over,
Longing for peace is late.
It’s to late to think over the past,
What’s going to happen is bound to happen.

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