2018. április 19., csütörtök

Sharing the magic of music - Lullaby from Marie Antoinette

Todays song I share is from the musical Marie Antoinette by Lévay & Kunze.
This is the song Victoria Elsa sung to calam her sister Dorothea Anna. It's a lovely song and I think it's very calming. You can listen to the german version here:
This Lullaby is sung mainly by Marie Antoinette herself, she sings it to her son who fell and hurt his knee in the hun version and later the whole family joins in. I haven't seen the german version on stage so I only know that Marie Antoinette and Margrid Arnaud share this song.
The hungarian translation was of course done by a professional songwriter and translator, his name is Müller Péter Sziámi. He did all the songtranslation for the musical.


Könny, könny,
ne szégyelld, ha jön.
Majd elszáll a bánat,
a fény nyugalmat áraszt,
felemel, megölel.

Könny, könny,
úgy csillog, mint fönt
száz csillag az égen.
A fény áttör az éjen,
felemel, megölel.

Könny, könny,
ha rémült szív
hallod egy csillag ha hív
a mindenségnek útja vár
a szíved is hazatalál.

My translation of the hungarian version:

Tears, tears
don't be ashamed if they come.
Sorrow will fly away
light spreads calmness
it lifts you, it holds you

Tears, tears
they sparkle like
a hundres stars up on the sky
Light braeks through the night
 it lifts you, it holds you

Tears, tears
if the heart is filled with fear
you hear a star calling you
 the road of the universe waits for you
and your heart will find home, too

The german version and my translation of the this version, the one you can listen to on youtube:

German                                                                      English

Still, still                                                                    Quiet, quiet
und hör in die Nacht,                                                and listen to the night
dein Engel weint Tränen,                                          your angel cries tears
wie du fühlt er ein Sehnen                                        he feels, just like you, this longing
und er spürt deinen Schmerz.                                    and he feels your pain

Still, still                                                                    Quiet, quiet
im Dunkel der Nacht                                                 Int he darknass of the night
hört jemand dein Klagen,                                          someone hears you crying
er kennt all' deine Fragen,                                         he knows all your questions
denn er sieht dir ins Herz.                                         because he sees into your heart

Still, still                                                                    Quiet, quiet
      hör in dich hinein,                                                           listen to the voice within you
still, still, du bist nicht ganz allein,                            Quiet, quiet, you are not all alone
   dein Engel weiß, wie weh es tut                            your angel knows how much it hurts
und doch sagt er alles wird gut,                                and yet he says everything will be alright,
alles wird gut!                                                           Everything will be fine!

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