2018. június 30., szombat

Sharing the magic of music - Under the sea

I did this translation originally for Disney Challenge on the Disney Pin Forum (goes on till the end of this year) and The Little Mermaid is this weeks (6/24 – 6/30) movie. I did the translation for the song analyze part :)
Here you can listen to the hun version:)

And here is the original English, the Hungarian, (marked red)and the my back-to-english translation of this song :) Sorry the formatting completely fell apart when I inserted it here, it looked fine in Word. I fixed it as good as I could but it's nowhere as perfeft as it was. :(

Under the sea                                    Ringat a víz                                       Water is rocking you
The seaweed is always greener         A hínár mindig zöldebb,                    The seeweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake                     ha más vizében ring,                           if it floats in somebody elses waters
You dream about going up there        ne álmodj más világról,                      don’t dream from another world
But that is a big mistake                      a földnél jobb a víz.                           water is better than land
Just look at the world around you      Csak nézd ezt a mély vidéket,            Just look at this deep landscape
Right here on the ocean floor             a tengerfenék oly szép!                      the bottom of the sea is so beautiful
Such wonderful things surround you  Oly csodás itt lent az élet,                   Life is so wonderful down here
What more is you lookin' for?             hát mi másra vágynál még?                what else could you wish for?

Under the sea, Under the sea              Ringat a víz, ringat a víz!                    Water is rocking you, (x2)
Darling it's better                                Hidd el, te kedves,                              Believe me, dear
Down where it's wetter                       jobb ahol nedves,                               it’s better where it’s wet
Take it from me                                  a tenger hív!                                       the sea is calling

Up on the shore they work all day      A parton izzad fent a nép,                   On the shore folk sweat,
Out in the sun they slave away            tűz a Nap reménytelen,                       the sun shines hot, it’s hopeless
While we devotin'                             mi meg csak úszunk,                            And we only swim
Full time to floatin'                            mindent megúszunk,                          and get away with everything
Under the sea                                     ringat a víz!                                        Water is rocking you, (x2)
Down here all the fish is happy         A mélyben a hal mind boldog,          In the deep sea all fish are happy
As off through the waves they roll     a hullámok hátán él;                         and live on the top of the wawes
The fish on the land ain't happy          a szárazon gyötrik gondok,             on land they have troubles
They sad 'cause they in their bowl      mert akváriumban él.                      because they live in an aquarium
But fish in the bowl is lucky               Szerencsés a díszhal ott bent,         Decorative fish are lucky
They in for a worser fate                    várhatna rá rosszabb vég!               he could end worse
One day when the boss get hungry     Mert hogyha a főnök éhes,            For if the Master is hungry
Guess who's gon' be on the plate?      ne tudd kiből készít lét!                 you shouldn’t know whom he uses to make a soup

Under the sea, Under the sea              Ó ne! Ringat a víz, ringat a víz!         Water is rocking you, (x2)
Nobody beat us                                              Senki se bánt itt,                       Nobody harms you here
Fry us and eat us in fricassee              és ami számít, az nem az íz!               and it’s not the taste that matters

We what the land folks loves to cook Az ember úgy szeret, ha főz,              Humans like you cooked
Under the sea we off the hook               a vízben nincsen semmi gőz,           there is no such thing in the water
We got no troubles                             élünk és halunk,                                  We live and die in the water
Life is the bubbles                              nincs semmi bajunk!                          have no trouble
Under the sea (Under the sea)            Ringat a víz! [ringat a víz]                 Water is rocking you (+background)
Under the sea (Under the sea)            Ringat a víz! [ringat a víz]                 Water is rocking you (+background)

Since life is sweet here                         Boldogan élünk,                               We live happily
We got the beat here                           vígan zenélünk,                                   we make music merrily
Naturally (Naturally)                          ritmusa hív! [ritmusa hív]                   its rythm calls (+background)
Even the sturgeon an' the ray              Amint a rája és a tok beindul,             When the ray and the sturgeon start
They get the urge 'n' start to play         máris hallható:                                   we hear it at once
We got the spirit                                   jó ez az ütem,                                     this beat is right
You got to hear it                                 nem csal a fülem,                               my ears don’t betray me
Under the sea                                       a zene hív!                                          music is calling!

The newt play the flute                         A gőte flőte száll,                             The flute of the newt can be heard
The carp play the harp                         márna hárfa zeng,                              The barbels harp music rings
The plaice play the bass                       harcsa basszus                                    The catfish does the bass
And they soundin' sharp                      ám oly merész,                                    so daring
The bass play the brass                        a réz fújja sok keszeg,                        many breams play brass
The chub play the tub                         pont a ponty a dob,                              the minnow is the drummer
The fluke is the duke of soul              egy se bús ha jól szól!                          Not one is sad if the music is great

(Yeah)                                                (jee)                                                    (Yeah)

The ray he can play                            Rája üt rája,                                        The ray beats it
The lings on the strings                      a csík húzza,                                       the stripe plays it
The trout rockin' out                           hát beráng a pisztráng,                       the trout rocks it
The blackfish she sings                      cigányhal dalol,                                  the tench is singing
The smelt and the sprat                      és csapatnyi sprotni                            A shoal of sprat
They know where it's at                     tudja, ropni jó,                                    knows, dancing is great
An' oh that blowfish blow                  a trombitahal úgy fúj!                        The trumpetfish is blowing it so well

Yeah, under the sea (Under the sea)   Ringat a víz! [ringat a víz]                  Water is rocking you (+background),
Under the sea (Under the sea)            Ringat a víz! [ringat a víz]                  Water is rocking you (+background)

When the sardine                                A hering mixel,                                    The herring is mixing
Begin the beguine                               őrjítő tviszttel,                                     with a maddening twist
It's music to me (It's music to me)      a zene hív! [hív a jó zene]                   music calls you, good music calls you
What do they got? A lot of sand           Nem sóder ez, hanem föveny,            this is sand, not grovel
We got a hot crustacean band             látod, a banda táncolni kezd:              you see the band starts to dance
Each little clam here                           minden kis kagyló                               Each little clam
Know how to jam here                        tudja, hogy így jó,                               knows it’s how it should be
Under the sea                                     ringat a víz!                                        Water is rocking you,

Each little slug here                            Ha lassú a csiga,                                 If the snail is slow
Cuttin' a rug here                                nincs semmi hiba,                               there is nothing amiss with that
Under the sea                                     ringat a víz!                                        the water is rocking you
Each little snail here                           Aki csak él itt,                                     Whoever lives here
Know how to wail here                       vígan zenél, míg                                 happily makes music here
That's why it's hotter                           elrejt a tenger,                                     The sea hides us
Under the water                                  nem lát az ember,                               humans don’t see us
Ya we in luck here                             élhetünk szépen,                                 We can live beautifully
Down in the muck here                       itt lenn a mélyben,                              here deep down
Under the sea                                     ringat a víz!                                        the water is rocking you

As you can see, many fishnames were changed, to make the rhymes and also to give hungarian children fishnames they probably know - that's why there are quite a few freshwater species that doesn't really make sense in that kontext. But Hungary doesn't have a sea so children are more familiar with freshwater fishes.
There are also some other significant changes like trumperfish was used instead og blowfish - it simply works better as in hungarian the blowfish is called 'spherefish' :) The thench that is used instead of the blackfish is called 'gipsyfish' although the name doctorfish exists in my language too. I believe it was to keep the reference to minorities - black people in the USA and gipsies in Hungary. It is questionable but the translators has to create a text as close to the original as possible and keep such references, too.

Those are my ideas about the changes I didn't ask the translator, I simply thoought it over and guessed what was done and why. :)

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