2018. július 4., szerda

It"s party time - part 4

"Szívből üdvözlök itt minden testvért"

from Dance of the Vampires by Jim Steinman & Michael Kunze, Krolock welcomes his guests to his ball

So we thought Dolly would love to hear what was the party like. But who was to tell and what to tell? Everybody had something personal to share. And we agreed she'd be happiest if everybody told her own story about the ball. But so many guest would be a bit to much, especially when everybody is excited to tell about what happened and and talks at the same time.  So we decided that we all post about it and she can read everything. The boys weren't interested in writing so it's just the ladies, but each and every girl will write a post about the ball. As for the order, we threw some pieces of paper with numbers on them in a bag and everybody drew one. We thought we may need them again so we kept them. And all of us listed the party, evening activity that she thinks perfect. We are gathering ideas. ;)
 This little intro will be posted before everybodys post about the ball, so feel free to skip it if you've already read it and know what's going on. We wrote this one together, all of us who are going to tell about the dance.

4. Valancy Elena - a pool party with lots of ice-cream!
Hi! This is Valancy! I'm so so excited to tell about everyting! Sorry if it seems a bit like a mess but this blogging thing is quite new to me. Just think we all get to post about the dance! I was as excited attending it as I am now posting about it! In one word? Unbelievable! It was even better than I expected, we had so much fun! And the best thing is, I think it strenghtened the friendship between us all! Where should I start? Oh yes before the party we organised a dance course for ourselves. It was fun, I knew from the very start that I would love it. The only downside was that Dolly hurt herself just before it and neither her, nor her sister were going to attend. We even had a teacher but he was... not in a bad mood, he was kind and patient but not a bundle of joy, either. (Vester as a bundle of joy would be a very strange thing anyway) But you get it. I bet he overheard us talking about the news that Dolly wouldn't come. I think he has a crush on her. :} They'd make such a lovely couple! No wonder he didn't like what he heard from our excited chat. But he helped us a great deal, without him, there wouldn't have been any ball. A ball without dancing is anything but a ball. So he taught us dancing and I think not only that!
Sue made great progress with controlling her legs.
She asked me if she could use my arm if she feels like she's falling Of course I said yes! Kuei-Lan helped her, too. We laughed a lot!
I choose lively songs, they were great for dancing alone, too. You know, we have this small problem with four times as many girls as boys. But we solved it beautifully! The girls without a partner danced by themselves or tried an invented dance based on dance moves from a movie. From the second movie of Pocahontsa, to be exact.
We were off of the blue part, so we wasn't in the way ad had enough space to do our thing.
Ned was my partner when it was my turn to dance. He said he always gets the best partners. Well, he danced with Aurenna before me and she is grace in person. But we all enjoyed it and that was the most important! Well, I guess Vester did not enjoy it as much as he thought beforehand - Dolly couldn't come, as already mentioned. But we already have a plan - there will be another party soon! And we'll get out Axel for that one, too! Oh, Axel is the Aladdin doll still sitting in his box. I bet he is heartily tired beeing stuck in there, he'll be so happy to get out!
While waiting for our next turn, Kuei-Lan and I invented some funny new solo dance moves. It must have been the music, I just couldn't be still, not even for a moment.
It was even more fun than doing it alone! :)
I got Ned again as my second partner. I just love dancing so much! And guess what, I wittnessed no less than two budding romances! Two fairytales in real life! Okay, not that but still. One of them is going to be complicated, not like one from a book. Margaret has clearly developed feelings for Vester but he had this Dolly-thing going on in his head. During the dance he was really attentive and particularly nice to her and they talked a lot. Maybe he started to return Meg's feelings? Funny, they adopted each other as brother and sister when Megs sister Lizzy left. But with dolls, anything is possible. He looked quite grim when Victoria appeared on the scene - she was to dance with him. She was wearing this gourgeous blue dress! She looked so beautiful!
I wonder... but all the girls are so pretty! All girls would make a nice couple with him. I wonder how I could help him. Planning another party seems a great idea. While I was making those plans Kiki disappeared. I was so surprised! She went back to check on her sister but came back after a while. Besides, she was the one lucky girl who actually could dance even before Vester appeared. She just doesn't really care for it, dressed in a gown with a long cape as she is most of the time and all.
Anyway, Dolly or not Dolly I simply must help him! Everybody was having fun except him. I'm sure anybody could grow to like him! But mostly Dolly. Or Margaret. I can't wait to see their story unfold! Romantic storeies are my weekness especially real life ones. :)
That's why I went and asked Vester whom he actually likes and why. He didn't look very pleased.
'Because Meg seemed to like you. And you were forever talking to Kiki.'
'Hard to talk to someone who's asleep'.
I wished him a good night and left him alone. But I got the information I wanted. Dolly is the girl he wants.
I was the last one to stop dancing. I had a great time and I'm so so happy that the next one is just around the corner! It'll be even better than this one!

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