2017. március 6., hétfő

About the Princess House

"You are the love that never dies
You are my home
You make me strong"

source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/soundtracks/s/scarletpimpernellyrics/youaremyhomelyrics.html

from the musical the Scarlet Pimpernel

So what is this Princess House that is mentioned here and there? Well, the Princesses have two homes, one in Meritres bedroom and one they can reach through the computer. That one’s called the Princess House and each princess has her own apartement there and the house magically expands when new members join. It has a kitchen, a huge dining room a bathroom and more. It can also be magically locked, but only by certain members of the group. Locking it completely means no one can get in and no one can get out. Locking it partially means that certain filters can be applied at the doors – meaning that for example only one person can’t open that door – they use it mostly for keeping Christmas – and birthday presents a secret. Lilian and Emily can do that partial locking and before they arrived, only Meritre.

When the princesses want to visit the house or one of the worlds, they turn on Meritres computer, run the special Princess Program (that allows the members at home to search the worlds for the princesses) they check in with the help of the tiny holes on their feet and than land in the control room of the princess house. Here they can choose which world they want to travel to and are magically transported there. They are dropped of at a random point and there a return point appears. That’s a check in point for their feet, it returns them to the control room of the Princess House. It is possible to use a check-in point for more than one princess. The guys have a similar but separate system. They can’t enter the Princess House at all, it is only for the ladies. They have their own house but that one is not as neat as the girls little home.
The house itself is sorrunded by a park that borders a forest. There are also soe hills and mountains nearby. This central world is sorrunded by the Princess Worlds, the worlds we get to know in the films. They can visit each others ‘worlds’, Snow can go for a walk in th woods Aurora was raised, Elsa can go and explore China, and Ariels world even grants them the wish to be a mermaid for a limited amount of time. They can meet all the characters there but the ones thatexist as dolls and are ‘registered so they can travel to this world. They can’t take anything from there back into this world that doesn’t originally come from here.
This ’digital princessworld can be controlled a little and searched with Meritres computer. It is beautiful but it can be dangerous as well and the girls will stumble upon countless adwentures out there.

If there is something else, anyething new concerning the house, I’ll add it later. :)

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