2017. március 29., szerda

Hasbro Little Kingdom - Coronation Anna

"Dancing through life"

from the musical Wicked by Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holzman

Today we'll have a look at Coronation Anna from Hasbros Little Kingdom series. She's my very first Little Kingdom Princess. While they had lots of Elsas, this was the last coronation Anna so I grabbed her. They had quite a few bigger sets, which are in plastic cases with a handle or as the two Frozen ones, in bigger boxes (and not just a cardboard backside, like the smaller sets):
Rapunzels Wedding, Auroras Fairytale dreams, Elsas treat shop, a set with Jasmine and Abu, Elsa and her castle. I was surprised how expensive these sets are compared to their price in other lands. :(
 I saw Snow White, Cinderella Belle and Merida sets, a few different snowqueen Elsas, Anna with different stuff and a few single ones, like the one I choose.
No Ariel, no Mulan, no Rapunzel. But there were quite a few of my favourites, Elsa, Anna and Belle and... but, as I said, she was the only coronation Anna. Nobody wanted her since her box was a bit crooked. She herself was fine so I took her. Now, let's free Anna. It's not very difficult but as it's my first doll from this line, I was afraid that I'll ruin her if I press it too much. At the bottom there was a big folded piece of paper, that shows all the Little Kingdom sets that are already out.
One side is for the Frozen friends and on the top, there is some really cute artwork of the characters.
In the middle is of course Elsa and her castle playset, the other , smaller sets nicely arranged around it.
On the other side there are the other princesses, arranged, just like the Frozen ones, around a bigger castle playset.
The artwork is very sweet
 She has a very simple package that seems quite easy to open.
On the back of the box, there is a small picture of Anna and three even smaller picrtures showing how the snap ins and the mix and match works. It is listed in several languages that all of them are sold separately and are subject to availability. There is also a huge 'Warning!' sign, that it is not for children under three years as it has small pieces. Well, it doesen't only has small pieces she is alltogether very small.
Almost free!
Anna has an adorable little face with blueish green eyes and some freckles.
Annas backside
Her hair is moulded to look like a bun with a few locks that didn't get caught while her updo was made. It is not a very accurate representation of  her movie hair but is very cute and fits very well this world of tiny happy princesses. She comes with a complete outfit, three snapins and a headpiece. A complete outfit is made up of a top, a short overskirt and a long underskirt. Two purple flowrs (They are likely to be crocuses, the same flower that Anna has on her pendant she wears with her coronation gownand is Arendelle's symbol) and a golden butterfly are her snap-ins and she has a crown or tiara as a headpiece. This outfit represents her coronation dress from the movie and is quite accurate for such a small dress. I put the two pieces thet came separately on her skirt so they won't get lost.
ballerina Anna
The short skirt can be worn without the long one. She balances quite well, both with and without skirt.
She can sit down  as well, althought her legs are quite stiff. But I don't consider this as a drawback.
She can move her arms and her head as well.
I think she is really lovely but isn't suitable for younger children. The outfits may not stand lots of playtime and those little snapins can get lost easily. So my little Anna, who will be called Dori to identify her in my Anna army, will stay in her dress and will have all pieces in her dress and on her head. She is standing now next to the Prince from the Beauty and the Beast mini doll set and hardly reaches his waist. She is quite small but lovely and will serve as my lucky charm as I'll start work next week. :)
I hope you enjoyed this little review, if you like these little ones here is another review of a bigger set called Friendship Collection Set by Beastsbelle.
I hope I can post something this week but most likely this will be the last post for a while.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. I have the same Little Kingdom Anna, too!:)
    I agree, the artwork is adorable. All the characters look so cute.
    Ooh, I loved how you made the ballerina outfit! I haven't tried that, now I want to :)
    I think my favorite picture is the very last one:)
